Happy Halloween! A pic from my sweet Sister's front porch. I'm always excited to see what Tam has out next. Some day when I grow up, I'm gonna decorate my front porch too!
Lumpkin and I went to a Halloween/Birthday party this evening. We had fun, but we had even more fun cracking ourselves up driving through town... then after the party, we decided to stop in Walmart. That was a HOOT!!! We strolled the aisles very nonchalantly while people pretended not to stare. I love it when my daughter thinks I'm fun! It's been a while since I've felt like celebrating Halloween. I'm sure if Mom could see us, she was laughing too!
Cruising the internet tonight and listening to my Motown Pandora station on the computer. I can't listen to the music without thinking of my Mom. Music has always been a big part of our family's lives. I really believe that the love of music that my sisters and I share come from our parents. Of course, if there was jamming going on, Dad wasn't home yet! (lol) I have so many fond memories of my childhood surrounding that old stereo that my Mom got for her high school graduation. She kept all of her old 45's and introduced us to the music that we sure didn't hear in Dad's company! I can remember, even when money was tight, somehow Mom managed to slip a new 45 in for us to listen to once in a while.
It's so comforting now to listen to this music. It helps so much when I'm missing her, which seems to be more often than not. We're coming up on the 3rd anniversary of her death this weekend. I'm trying pretty hard not to dwell on it, but to instead remember the good times, the music and the most awesome Mom in the world.
Let's just say it's been less than a spectacular week. I'm hoping that by the weekend I will have the time and energy to have started one of the projects that I've planned. I've been reading a lot of my fellow blogger's work and I'm so impressed. There are so many great ideas out there, and so many talented people. It made me think of my oh-so-crafty sister, Tam. She seems to have inherited our Mom's crafty hand. I'm hoping to talk her into sharing some of her talent for my blog. Our baby sister, Desiree has the decorating touch that our Mom had. I may have to include some of her Halloween display. Stay tuned!
To quote my father, "She's a good cook, IF you can get her to cook".
The above photo depicts my favorite sort of cooking. The kind that requires minimal ingredients and can be thrown together quickly. It also must taste delicious. This bread fits the bill. It is Tastefully Simple's Bountiful Beer Bread Mix. To make this bread (no joke), you must mix one box of the bread mix with one beer or soda of your choice, then bake for 50-55 minutes. The smell of the bread baking is heavenly and tastes divine! The friends and family that I've made this for give it high marks.
Something my Mom used to say... seems like I miss her most when I don't feel well. Don't we always want our Mom, even when you're a grown woman? For those of you who still have your Mom, cherish her every day... even when she drives you insane. We never know how long we'll have her here with us, and you can't imagine how terribly you'll miss her when she's gone.
Anyone else sick of being sick??? Lumpkin has been sick since this morning, mine started earlier in the week. I did go to the wedding reception as Saturday I felt pretty good. Dad has been sick this weekend too. Gotta keep an eye on him. He's a kidney transplant patient and has a lower immunity to any bugs. So here's hoping we all feel better soon, and as promised, a pic of the happy couple!
Due to the terrible headache I've had this week, I'm slow to post much and complete things I'd hoped to do this week. But I'm gonna post a pic of our favorite dog (our only dog - Leia)! I'm getting ready to go to a wedding reception of a very close friend from nursing school and I've really been looking forward to it. I plan to take a ton of pictures. Hope your weekend is as bright and beautiful as mine!!
I've been thinking about it for a couple of weeks and today is the day! I finally started putting my new blog together. I'm so excited and I have so many ideas running around in my head! It's a little overwhelming and I've viewed so many amazing blogs this week. I wasn't sure where to start, but I ended up contacting a fellow blogger to design my blog. I will tell you all about it after we settle on the details. I want my blog to be as interesting and fun to read as all of yours! Stay tuned for the debut of my newly designed page...