(Everything is Regularly priced at $12-$38)
For one day only, everything in my store is on sale. The earlier you shop, the more you save! Call or email your order. My voicemail and email will record the time and date on all incoming orders.
PLUS... everyone who places a $40 order (after discount) will be entered into my Holiday Drawing. One lucky person will get their ENTIRE Order for 1/2 Price!
6-8am=20% off; 8-10am=15% off; 1-6pm= 10% off
Devonay @ Just Jewelry

PLUS... everyone who places a $40 order (after discount) will be entered into my Holiday Drawing. One lucky person will get their ENTIRE Order for 1/2 Price!
6-8am=20% off; 8-10am=15% off; 1-6pm= 10% off
Devonay @ Just Jewelry
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