When I got home from work tonight, Hasseman was already here. That rarely happens. He generally gets home about 30-45 min. after I do. He said he was off to mow the yard, and out the door he went. Before too long, he was back, saying "Look what I found!"
He had run over one, but was able to save it and stopped the mower to look for more. He ended up bringing 6 rather large Morel Mushrooms in to soak. I LOVE them!!! My Dad called last night to tease Lumpkin about having eaten some without her. She loves them too. Last year was not good for them here, so it's happy news to hear that people are finding them everywhere this Spring.
Now we just need at least a bread sack full for a nice snack! If you're not familiar with them, you first soak them in salt water to remove any unwanted guests after slicing them in half, let them soak overnight, then flour them and fry them, adding a little salt and pepper. Delicious!!!
Do you eat mushrooms?
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