Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sugar Pop Ribbons Reviews and Giveaways

I've been checking out some of my regular blog favorites.  I love interesting articles, and I LOVE giveaways!  Right now, Sugar Pop Ribbons is giving away a free Jacob Bromwell popcorn popper!!!  I love homemade popcorn!  It's so much better than microwave popcorn.  I realllllly want this popper, but it's just not in my budget right now.  Can you imagine how heavenly it would smell popping away on your stove top?
I hadn't heard of the Jacob Bromwell company, but you have to look at the items they offer for sale.  They are so like items that your grandparents and great grandparents would have used.  I haven't seen a flour sifter like that in years!  Here is  the link...  Jacob Bromwell

Stop by Sugar Pop Ribbons today and enter for your chance to win!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Devonay,
    Just came over to say "hi" and see what you were up to! Oh gosh, I'm not sure if I told you my new books got published on Amazon--woo hoo! Oh, and I'm having a giveaway too!
