Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Our Baby

It occurred to me this evening that I haven't talked about our baby in a very long time. This is Leia. She has been with us since the age of one. She is now four. She is the most sweet, loving, cuddly and smart puppy baby ever! It's kind of hard to see in the picture above, but she is cradling her baby in her paws. It's icky and needs a bath, but that little rabbit is her absolutely favorite toy! Leia was crate trained when we became her owners, so her crate is where she feels most safe when we have to leave the house. She is so smart! She knows that when Lumpkin grabs her coat and school bags in the morning, that it's time for her to go to her bed and she trots off to it! She knows a ton of commands, or shall we say suggestions? lol... She has selective hearing... kind of like some men I know. ;)

She's our baby, and we love her!