It doesn't really look like the illustration... (not even close. it's much smaller) and I didn't break or injure it, but I've been dealing with ankle pain and swelling off and on for well over one year. It has been really aching the last few days and it was swollen enough to bother me at work today. I had my shoe off and one of the nurse practitioners asked me if I'd injured it after she saw the swelling. After a little discussion, she decided a brief course of steroids was in order. I'm to start them in the morning, so tonight I am reclining with my foot up and it has changed the plans I had in mind.
I have a small paper project in pinks planned, but after taking some anti-inflammatory medication and relaxing, I'm too tired to proceed with the crafting tonight.
I'm really excited. I've recently one two giveaways on other blogs (will post details when I receive them). One is a box of baking and craft supplies and the other is a signed copy of the new Pioneer Woman book! Woohoo!!!

Happy Monday friends! Thanks for all the comments on my posts. I love reading them!
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