Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pyogenic Granuloma

Just for fun, thought I'd grow a weird thing on my face... but it kept growing and growing...  scared the crap out of me.  It looked like a blood blister, for lack of a better term.  I went to the doctor, who then sent me to another doctor, who specialized in lasers... who then sent me to a plastic surgeon.  Soooo, today I had it removed.  Yippee!  (I was getting really tired of sporting a band-aid to hide the hideousness)  Nothing like having a needle jammed into your cheek in twenty different spots to numb it.  Ouch!

I'm kind of missing having insurance, but it's a small price to pay for being my own boss.  The surgeon is an amazingly great doctor and so kind.  He really went out of the way to help me and kept the cost down.  I'm now sporting a red gash (several inches long), that is stitched up rather nicely.  I'm hoping for very little scarring.  I'm thankful that it appears to be something benign.  The rate of growth was astounding.  I'm supposed to take it easy for a couple of weeks and no heavy lifting for three weeks.  A little difficult considering I started a new business, but luckily I have an amazing family that will help me when needed.

I've missed you, my blog friends.  Hope you're all well.  Would love to hear from you!

Not my face, but an example.  Mine got bigger.


  1. Oh my dear I am so sorry but glad that the doctor is willing to work things out with you. Praying that you will heal quickly and thankful it was benign! You take care now!

  2. yikes. i hope you are ok and doing what the doctor tells you!

  3. Yes. I am. But it's driving me crazy. No makeup for one more week. At least I had a free Halloween costume, except the stitches were taken out yesterday afternoon!
